Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Week and Challenge 4

I hope everyone had a good Halloween!  We did......especially my husband, who went to the World Series game with his dad.  My MIL and SIL came over and went trick-or-treating with us.  The boys looked super cute.  I mentioned a few posts ago about the idea of collecting canned food while going door to door.  We did it this year and had a pretty good turnout.  My youngest was really more concerned with the candy but I have to say that I'm so proud of H for asking at almost every house.  I was quite surprised at how many people told him no- but that's okay.  That's life and hopefully it taught him to just keep on asking.  We did manage to get over 20 cans and some people were really sweet about it.  I loved this idea and plan to do it from now on.  It was a simple way to impress on my boys' hearts that we can do for others while having fun for ourselves.

We are still working on our challenges for this week and hope to finish them by Sunday.  It's been pretty cool here this week and we have yet to bag trash.  I'm not letting this one pass without getting done!

Week 4 challenges will start this Sunday, November 7 and will end next Sunday, November 14. Don't forget to turn your clocks back on the 7th!

Act 1
Clean out your closets and toy boxes and donate toys/clothes

You can donate your items to a family in need, Goodwill, a church that accepts donations, or any other place that will get these items to others less fortunate.  With Christmas just weeks away, this is a great way to help others and simplify your home at the same time.  Allow your kids to be a part of this process.  Again, the conversations you have with them are just as important as the act itself.

Act 2
Turn off the TV for a day (or a week!)

That's right.......have a TV Free Day!  It's so easy to flip the TV on and before you know it, several hours have gone by.  We've got a pretty good handle on our TV time (more on that to come!) but I have lots of friends that admit that their kids watch way too much.  Think about all the productive things you can do during that time.  Play games, read a book, go for a walk, help someone else, just parents we often miss out on these sweet moments with our kids because they are stuck in front of a TV or video game.  So, I challenge you to have at least one day of zero TV.  Then, see if you can turn it into two.......

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